Journey and Story Sharing Blog
“The greatest thing in this world is not so much where we stand as in what direction we are moving.” ― Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe
Make Time for Your Spiritual Autobiography to Unfold
I’ve become too busy for my spiritual story. It’s true that I’m busier than I’ve been in a long time. I feel the pressure of
Too Busy for My Spiritual Autobiography?
I have a new job, and I have my hands full. What do we do when our lives become too busy for our story? My
Keep Your Spiritual Memoir inside Your Personal Journal
No matter how it may seem you are chosen? Our spiritual story can get lost in the challenges and difficulties of life. We don’t feel
Make “The Good Stuff” of God Part of Your Spiritual Autobiography!
We can put good stuff inside of us. That means that we can choose NOT to put bad stuff inside us too. Bad thoughts, negative
Keeping Your Memories in Spiritual Journals
I recently made a piece of art about my memories. I like how I can capture my memories on a canvas. It’s a powerful experience
Spiritual Autobiography Reflections
I’ve done a lot of paintings of myself in my Joseph Coat. Joseph had his dream coat. Maybe that means it told of his own
Spiritual Autobiography on the Road: Traveling with a Spiritual Journal
My spiritual autobiography has taken a new turn. My dad is turning 85 and my mom is turning 80. I try to visit them more
Throw Away Old Junk with Spiritual Journaling
Believe what is true regardless of what seems to be. Don’t let that old tape, with all those old lies, play over and over again
Spiritual Journal: Journaling for Hope
I have hoped for so many things. I say to God, “But I Had Hoped….” If I could think clearly and have the old places
Spiritual Memoir: Change the World
I believe that our silent thoughts, prayers, and petitions can be heard. I have faith that God knows the passion inside our hearts. This doesn’t