Journey and Story Sharing Blog
Keep Your Spiritual Memoir inside Your Personal Journal
Written by: journeyoncanvas
05/07/2013 5:03 AM
No matter how it may seem you are chosen? Our spiritual story can get lost in the challenges and difficulties of life. We don't feel chosen anymore. We feel lost and forgotten. Writing in a journal, keeping a personal journal, or prayer journal can help us find our way back to the place where life makes sense, and we have a sense of purpose. Journal writing can remind us of who we are and why God has chosen us. Many of us feel like life is beating us down. Sometimes, it seems like things have been too dark for a little too long. Right now, my spiritual story doesn't seem very "chosen." My dad failed his cancer screening, my mom is wheelchair bound, my husband has heart disorder, someone I love is regularly attached to an oxygen tank, a good friend of mine is struggling in a miserable relationship, and my brother is being abused by his employer. This world is a hard place, and I don't see anyone looking like they are very "chosen" these days. I use my prayer journal to sort this stuff out, so I can keep my eyes fixed on the truth that God is at work in the lives off all these special people. My personal journal reminds me that they are chosen too. If find hope in knowing that each of us is not forgotten. Writing in a journal connects me to God and makes my personal journal a place where my spiritual story can be explored. Journal writing lets me keep track of my spiritual memoir. It doesn't matter if no one sees my story inside my prayer journal. The fact that my story is private doesn't make it any less powerful. Even if it's for my eyes only, my journal writing keeps me rooted in the truth that I am chosen regardless of my circumstances. Writing in a journal is my fuel for purposeful, meaningful, and hopeful living. I hope this blog inspires you to consider that you are chosen by God for a special purpose. I also hope that you will consider writing in a journal as a means for exploring your spiritual story: your spiritual memoir. Journal writing inside a prayer journal or personal journal can bring new meaning to life's challenges. I blog here with the hope that the tools that bring me hope will become tools that bring you hope too. Please share and encourage us if you are writing in a journal. We'd like to learn about you and and what your personal journal means to you. If you share, others will be listening. You might encourage someone to share their story too.

This is a painting of a woman safe inside a bubble that can’t be popped by the danger around her.
No matter how it may seem you are chosen? Our spiritual story can get lost in the challenges and difficulties of life. We don’t feel chosen anymore. We feel lost and forgotten. Writing in a journal, keeping a personal journal, or prayer journal can help us find our way back to the place where life makes sense, and we have a sense of purpose. Journal writing can remind us of who we are and why God has chosen us. Many of us feel like life is beating us down. Sometimes, it seems like things have been too dark for a little too long. Right now, my spiritual story doesn’t seem very “chosen.” My dad failed his cancer screening, my mom is wheelchair bound, my husband has heart disorder, someone I love is regularly attached to an oxygen tank, a good friend of mine is struggling in a miserable relationship, and my brother is being abused by his employer. This world is a hard place, and I don’t see anyone looking like they are very “chosen” these days. I use my prayer journal to sort this stuff out, so I can keep my eyes fixed on the truth that God is at work in the lives off all these special people. My personal journal reminds me that they are chosen too. If find hope in knowing that each of us is not forgotten. Writing in a journal connects me to God and makes my personal journal a place where my spiritual story can be explored. Journal writing lets me keep track of my spiritual memoir. It doesn’t matter if no one sees my story inside my prayer journal. The fact that my story is private doesn’t make it any less powerful. Even if it’s for my eyes only, my journal writing keeps me rooted in the truth that I am chosen regardless of my circumstances. Writing in a journal is my fuel for purposeful, meaningful, and hopeful living. I hope this blog inspires you to consider that you are chosen by God for a special purpose. I also hope that you will consider writing in a journal as a means for exploring your spiritual story: your spiritual memoir. Journal writing inside a prayer journal or personal journal can bring new meaning to life’s challenges. I blog here with the hope that the tools that bring me hope will become tools that bring you hope too. Please share and encourage us if you are writing in a journal. We’d like to learn about you and and what your personal journal means to you. If you share, others will be listening. You might encourage someone to share their story too.
Journey on Canvas Blog: A Place to Share Hope on Your Journey
Journey on Canvas is a spiritual autobiography and spiritual journaling site. The Journey on Canvas Blog will give you ideas for your spiritual journal and give you opportunities to share your spiritual story. This blog is also a place to find hope on your journey. Read, blog with me, and enjoy!
Tears for Dancing, Age 42
The older I get the less I think about what I can get out of this life. Bad things happen here on Earth and no one is immune. I see my parents suffering, I watch terrible things happen to my friends and I see catastrophic events that create hell on Earth. Revelation 21:4 promises that someday God will wipe every tear from our eyes and the old order of things will pass away. I’m beginning to think that this promise isn’t so far away: it’s just waiting for us at the next stop. Maybe when we die we trade our tears for dancing and enter Heaven. Until then, I'm going to paint, I'm going to write, and I'm going to share when I find hope in this life. That's why I'm here at Journey on Canvas.