Journey and Story Sharing Blog
Spiritual Journal: Journaling for Hope
Written by: journeyoncanvas
09/12/2011 5:15 AM
I have hoped for so many things. I say to God, “But I Had Hoped….” If I could think clearly and have the old places healed, if my damaged parts could be glued back together, if my inclination was to love, if I needed no drugs for my body to work right, if my passion returned then…….???? I have hoped for so many things: for my thoughts to be His thoughts, for my passion to be His passion, and that I would ache for good things. What I’d do have Him reach out and touch me. He could touch me and make me whole. Then my dreams would be His dreams. My mind would be pure and whole. All of this would only cover me. It doesn’t even begin to include what I have hoped for others: for my mom to be whole, for my son’s sickness to stop and my husband’s body to heal are prayers that make just the beginning of my list. My list of hopes is huge. God says He’s on the move. He says He’s working on my list. Today, all I see is that what I have hoped for is much unrealized. I believe, contrary to what appears to be true, that God’s power is unlimited. Today, I have my list, today I still pray, and I still hope. I keep a spiritual journal. It’s a place where I can write down my hopes and prayers. It’s a place for my, dreams, sadness, passion, wishes, disappointments, and desires. I’m not alone as I’m keeping my spiritual journal: God is right there with me. Journaling, for me, isn’t a private activity. It’s a conversation with an unlimited God who knows all about my list. He gives me hope even when things seem pretty hopeless. Is your list of hopes as huge as mine? I want to encourage you to find a voice for all your hopes and dreams. Don’t let your feelings remain so private that you can’t find space to share them. A spiritual journal can become your place to open up your heart to God, and give him a chance to be on the move for you. Spiritual journal writing breaks down barriers between you and your creator. Spiritual journals reconnect you with the unlimited power of an unlimited God who can bring you comfort, hope, and peace despite the place you find yourself. Please pick up a pen, and find a place to place your heart. Don’t stay locked up and alone. If you’d like, you can share excerpts from your spiritual journal right here at the Journey on Canvas Blog. We’d be encouraged by what you have to say and what God has to say to you. As you share what God as revealed to you, chances are good that He will speak words of hope to us through you. Maybe you’ll give us a glimpse of how unlimited God is in spite of the limits that we perceive? Please let this blog become a place where you can share. We are waiting for words of hope straight from you.

I have hoped for so many things. I say to God, “But I Had Hoped….” What I had hoped for is what this painting is all about.
I have hoped for so many things. I say to God, “But I Had Hoped….” If I could think clearly and have the old places healed, if my damaged parts could be glued back together, if my inclination was to love, if I needed no drugs for my body to work right, if my passion returned then…….???? I have hoped for so many things: for my thoughts to be His thoughts, for my passion to be His passion, and that I would ache for good things. What I’d do have Him reach out and touch me. He could touch me and make me whole. Then my dreams would be His dreams. My mind would be pure and whole. All of this would only cover me. It doesn’t even begin to include what I have hoped for others: for my mom to be whole, for my son’s sickness to stop and my husband’s body to heal are prayers that make just the beginning of my list. My list of hopes is huge. God says He’s on the move. He says He’s working on my list. Today, all I see is that what I have hoped for is much unrealized. I believe, contrary to what appears to be true, that God’s power is unlimited. Today, I have my list, today I still pray, and I still hope. I keep a spiritual journal. It’s a place where I can write down my hopes and prayers. It’s a place for my, dreams, sadness, passion, wishes, disappointments, and desires. I’m not alone as I’m keeping my spiritual journal: God is right there with me. Journaling, for me, isn’t a private activity. It’s a conversation with an unlimited God who knows all about my list. He gives me hope even when things seem pretty hopeless. Is your list of hopes as huge as mine? I want to encourage you to find a voice for all your hopes and dreams. Don’t let your feelings remain so private that you can’t find space to share them. A spiritual journal can become your place to open up your heart to God, and give him a chance to be on the move for you. Spiritual journal writing breaks down barriers between you and your creator. Spiritual journals reconnect you with the unlimited power of an unlimited God who can bring you comfort, hope, and peace despite the place you find yourself. Please pick up a pen, and find a place to place your heart. Don’t stay locked up and alone. If you’d like, you can share excerpts from your spiritual journal right here at the Journey on Canvas Blog. We’d be encouraged by what you have to say and what God has to say to you. As you share what God as revealed to you, chances are good that He will speak words of hope to us through you. Maybe you’ll give us a glimpse of how unlimited God is in spite of the limits that we perceive? Please let this blog become a place where you can share. We are waiting for words of hope straight from you.
Journey on Canvas Blog: A Place to Share Hope on Your Journey
Journey on Canvas is a spiritual autobiography and spiritual journaling site. The Journey on Canvas Blog will give you ideas for your spiritual journal and give you opportunities to share your spiritual story. This blog is also a place to find hope on your journey. Read, blog with me, and enjoy!
Tears for Dancing, Age 42
The older I get the less I think about what I can get out of this life. Bad things happen here on Earth and no one is immune. I see my parents suffering, I watch terrible things happen to my friends and I see catastrophic events that create hell on Earth. Revelation 21:4 promises that someday God will wipe every tear from our eyes and the old order of things will pass away. I’m beginning to think that this promise isn’t so far away: it’s just waiting for us at the next stop. Maybe when we die we trade our tears for dancing and enter Heaven. Until then, I'm going to paint, I'm going to write, and I'm going to share when I find hope in this life. That's why I'm here at Journey on Canvas.