Category: Uncategorized

Half is talent. Half is thick skin.

I know I don’t draw really well. I know there are many artists who blow my work out of the water. Should that stop me? What stops you? Today, consider sharing the roadblocks in your life that stop you from listening to that voice inside you: the voice that nudges you despite all the criticism and negativity that tries to stop you.

Thoughts On Spiritual Memoir

Why write a spiritual memoir? Beyond writing about one’s life for popular acclaim, what is the motivation to explore and document the journey? In a fast paced, give me satisfaction NOW society, the invitation to reflect and share about the meanings and motivations for living has great appeal. What connects us all is a desire […]

Prayer and Our Spiritual Autobiography

I recently went on a retreat. The speaker talked about worship and prayer. She said our prayers had a sound, especially when we joined together: praying and worshipping simultaneously and passionately. I like to imagine that, somehow, our silent prayers make a noise that reaches the Heavens. It is possible that as more voices join […]

Using Art to Deal and Heal

I’m having a hard time “dealing” with today. I don’t like the deal. The deal is that my kid is sick, and I’ve been praying for him for 5 years. Today, he’s sicker than ever. The doctors don’t know what’s wrong, and God seems silent. I’m sad, and I’m losing hope. I have a prayer […]